Year 5/6

Welcome to Year 5/6 at Cambois Primary School.
We are taught by Mr. Longstaff, Miss. Warren, Mr. Davidson and Miss. Shennan.
Each day we start our mornings with some mindful "tapping" therapy to set us up for our day before we begin our Spelling or Guided Reading lessons. We link knowledge and themes in guided reading, spelling, Literacy and maths. In the afternoons we develop creativity alongside our curriculum through a range of exciting topics. This term we have focused on 'Dynamic Dynasties' - looking at the impact of the Shang Dynasty of Ancient China.
Autumn 2024
Science: Earth and The Solar System
       Geography/History: Dynamic Dynasties - Ancient China
DT: Moving Mechanisms
Art: Colour in Landscapes
French: Improving pronunciation/French vowel sounds
PE: Dance and Northumberland KS2 Multi-Skills challnge
Computing: Purple Mash Coding Unit 1/Y6
RE: What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today? 
PSHE: 'Being me in my world' and 'Celebrating differences'
Dates and Reminders
PE days are on a Tuesday and Thursday - please come to school in a Cambois PE kit.
Children need to record their home-school reading activity in their reading record or on BoomReader - their BoomReader code is in the front of their reading record. This is checked weekly.
Home-learning is published on SeeSaw every Friday and is to be completed by the following Tuesday. It is a list of 10 spellings that have been taught during the week for children to practise one final time at home.
Reverend Iain from St.Andrew's church in Cambois leads singing and shared worship on a Thursday afternoon.
We celebrate achievements in Friday's assembly. Staff pick out children who have shown imaginative, inquisitive, persistent, collaborative or disciplined learning behaviours for pupil of the week. Writer of the week is awarded to a child who is showing excellent attitudes towards writing. One child is invited to have hot chocolate with Mrs. Allan and we also have awards for play-person and footballer of the week. If you have achieved anything outside of school that you would like to share; please bring in your trophies, badges and certificates.


Year 5 and Year 6 will be developing their cycling skills on a Tuesday morning (alternating weekly) with Mark. We will be developing our fitness and leading a healthy lifestyle as well as road safety, cycle safety and getting to know our local area by planning and following routes.
This term we are exploring the texts; 'Skellig' by David Almond and 'Coming Home' by Michael Morpurgo.
We are using these texts to support our writing in class and have completed a piece of persuasive writing as if we were an estate agent trying to sell a house and will be exploring expanded noun phrases as we describe the creature Skellig.
The first four weeks of our maths lessons will focus on knowledge and understanding of place value including reading and writing number up to 10,000,000 in numeric and word form, Roman Numerals and counting through zero.
For the final four weeks of term we will focus on the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and pay extra attention to using these operations in problem solving or reasoning questions.
We are currently studying Earth and the solar system and have engage din lots of fun investigations so far. We are hoping for a clean crisp September day soon so we can measure how our shadows change across the course of the day.