Year 3 and 4
Autumn 2 2024
Class information
Year 3 / 4 is the lower key stage 2 class at Cambois Primary School. We are taught by Miss Mason and supported by Mrs Palmer.
In a morning we have a phonic and alternate guided reading/spelling lesson followed by maths and literacy lesson each day. We follow a creative curriculum in the afternoon, including Art, Music, computing, French and PSHE.
The children are currently focusing on column addition and subtraction, engaging in a range of both fluency and reasoning tasks to ensure deeper understanding of number. We also have the privilege of continuing to be a selected pilot school of Mastering Number from NCETM. This supports children with their multiplication skills, alongside our Timetable Rockstars app which the children have logins for and challenge each other - and their teachers - to competitions. Year 4 children are also practicing their tables via TTRS Sound check, which mimics the times table test which they will complete near the end of the academic year. So far, we are currently focusing on the 3 times tables and we love the challenge!
We are using the text 'The true story of the Three Little Pigs' by author Jon Sciesza and looking forward to engaging in a range of writing genres including debates, persuasive writing and newspaper reports.
- understanding that everyone is different
- bullying and what to do if someone is being bullied
- how to accept compliments
- how to use kind words
- friendship problem solving
Compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple rock properties
Describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock
Recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter