Early Years Curriculum

Our curriculum reflects our school mission statement. ‘We are a school where learning is fun and everyone is welcome.’ Our school vision is ‘we have high expectations in all that we do to create lifelong learners with high aspirations.


Our ethos and values are about having a 'can do' attitude and aiming high. 

We have high expectations in all aspects of school and we encourage our children to take risks and aim high. We promote resilience and persistent as essential tools for success. We teach children to have a growth mindset - you can't do it...yet!

Our Values are underpinned by our habits of mind:
∙ Imaginative

∙ Inquisitive

∙ Persistent

∙ Collaborative

∙ Disciplined

The Curriculum

Nursery and Reception follow the curriculum as outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) document, which is available to download at:




The EYFS framework includes seven areas of learning and development, all of which are important and interconnected.

Three prime areas are particularly important for learning and forming relationships. They build a foundation for children to thrive and provide the basis for learning in all areas.

The prime areas are:

-          Communication and language – listening attention and understanding, speaking

-          Physical development – gross motor skills and fine motor skills

-          Personal, social and emotional development – self-regulation, managing self and building relationships.

We also support children to develop understanding and skills in four specific areas, these help strengthen and develop the three prime areas and ignite children’s curiosity and enthusiasm.

The specific areas are:

-          Literacy – comprehension, word reading, and writing

-          Mathematics – number and numerical patterns

-          Understanding the world – past and present, people, culture and communities and the natural world