Year 1 and 2

Year 1 and 2 are taught across two classes. 
Children will be taught the same curriculum and content and will follow the same timetable. They will also be taught together at times so will be familiar with the whole year 1 and 2 class team. 
Class 1 is taught by Miss Jackson and supported by Miss Law. 
Class 2 is taught by Miss Todd and supported by Mrs Williamson (am) and Mrs Wheatley (pm). 
In the morning we are taught phonics/spelling, followed by a literacy and maths lesson each day. We follow the foundation curriculum in the afternoon, across a range of subjects, including Commando Joe's and PSHE. 
Keep looking at our class page to see what we are up to!
Key Information for Parents and Carers
  • This half term (Autumn 2)  our P.E days will be on a Tuesday and Thursday. Children come into school in their P.E kit on those days.
  • Year 2 children will begin swimming lessons each Thursday (beginning 7th November) until Christmas. 
  • Weekly beach school sessions will resume from Friday 8th November. Please ensure children are dressed appropriately for all weathers with suitable spare shoes. 
  • Children must read at least 3 times each week to be green. This contributes to their green time each Friday. Reading is to be recorded on 'boom reader' or their reading record so they can be monitored throughout the week. 
  • Reading and paper phonics books along with reading records are to be brought into school each Thursday so they can be changed and sent out each Friday. 
  • Children's learning and regular updates will be updated onto Seesaw also. 
Curriculum Map
Look at the attached curriculum map to see what we are learning this half term! 
Miss Jackson's Class 
Miss Todd's Class